Blog Arşivi


Açığı Bulunan Joomla Eklentileri

Güvenlik Açığı Bulunan Eklentiler
(Kaynak gösterilmek suretiyle yayınlanması serbestir.)

Not: Güvenlik açığı bulunan eklentilerin listeye eklenmesinden vazgeçilmiştir. Kullanmak istediğiniz eklentilerde güvenlik açığı olup olmadığını tespit etmek amacıyla aşağıda kaynak adresi verilen sitelerde araştırma yapmayı ihmal etmeyin. 29.07.2010

Joomla son sürümleri yüklendiği şekilde kullanıldığında % 99 güvenlidir. Ancak sonradan eklenen 3. parti eklentiler nedeniyle sitenizde telafisi mümkün olmayan güvenlik açıkları meydana gelmektedir.Aşağıda isimlerini belirttiğim eklentilerden birini veya birkaçını kullanıyorsanız siteniz güvenlik tehditi altındadır. (Hizmet aldığınız sunucuda meydana gelebilecek güvenlik açıkları hariç.)

Sitenizin zarar görmemesi için ya eklentiye ait son sürümü yükleyin yada eklentiyi sitenizden tamamen silmeniz veya üretici firmadan destek almanız uygun olacaktır.

Uyarı: Çeşitli sitelerde yayınlanan aşağıda isimleri belirtilen eklentilerden dolayı sitenizde meydana gelebilecek zararlardan sorumlu olmadığımı belirtmek isterim.

(Eklenti sürüm numarasından sonra belirtilen (<=) ibaresi alt sürümleride kapsadığı anlamina gelmektedir.)

A6MamboCredits com_a6mambocredits tüm sürümleri
A6MamboHelpDesk com_a6mambohelpdesk tüm sürümleri
Advanced Poll com_advancedpoll <= 2.2.0
ArtLinks com_artlinks tüm sürümleri
Bayesian Naive Filter com_bayesiannaivefilter <= 1.1
BigApe Backup com_babackup tümü - yamasi mevcut
BSQ Site Stats com_bsqsitestats <= 2.2.1
Classifieds com_classifieds <= 1.3
Colophon com_colophon <= 1.2
Community Builder (comprofiler) com_profiler <= 1.0.0
Events com_events <= 1.3 Beta
ExtCalendar com_extcalendar <= 0.9.1
Facile Forms com_facileforms <= 1.4.6
SEF404x com_sef tüm sürümleri
Galleria com_galleria tüm sürümleri
Hash Cash com_hashcash tüm sürümleri
Hot Properties com_hotproperties <= 0.97
JD-Wiki com_jd-wiki <= 1.0.2
JD-WordPress com_jd-wp <= 2.0-1.0 RC2
JIM 1.0.1. (PMS) com_jim 1.0.1
JoomlaBoard com_joomlaboard <= 1.1.1
JoomlaLib com_joomlalib <= 1.2.1
LoudMouth com_loudmouth <= 4.0j
LMO com_lmo <= 1.0b2
MambelFish 1.x com_mambelfish <= 1.x
Mambo Gallery Manager com_mgm tüm sürümleri
MiniBB com_minibb <= 1.5a
MamCom com_trade tüm sürümleri
MosMedia com_mosmedia <= 1.0.8
MosSpray com_mospray <= 1.8 RC1
Mos Tree com_mtree <= 1.5.8
Multibanners com_multibanners tüm sürümleri
OpenSEF com_sef <= 2.0.0 RC5
osCommerce <= 2.2 (extras) Source Code Disclosure Vulnerability
PC Cook Book com_pccookbook <= 1.3.1
People Book com_peoplebook <= 1.1.5
Prince Clan Chess com_pcchess <= 0.8
Per Forms com_performs <= v1 Beta
PollXT com_pollxt <= 1.22.07
RS Gallery2 com_rsgallery2 <= 1.11.3
Security Images com_securityimages <= 3.0.5
SimpleBoard com_simpleboard tüm sürümleri
Site Map com_sitemap tüm sürümleri
SMF Bridge sadece 1.1RC2. verziyonu com_smf <= 1.1.4
SMF Bridge com_smf <= 1.1.4
User Home Pages 1 and 2 com_uhp and com_uhp2 <= 1.1.1
Joomla Radio v5 Component ( RFI açığı) (21.10.2007)
Comp Restaurante (Shell açığı) (01.12.2007)
com_joomlaflashfun (Shell açığı) (01.12.2007)
com GMaps 1.1(01.12.2007)
com Pony Gallery <=1.5 (01.12.2007)
com nicetalk (01.12.2007)
Wordpress 2.1.2 (01.12.2007)
com swmenu pro (01.12.2007)
com articles (01.12.2007)
com serverstat (01.12.2007)
com fm (01.12.2007)
com linkdirectory (01.12.2007)
com jim (01.12.2007)
com Juser 1.0.14 (01.12.2007)
- Community Builder 1.x dahilindeki sürümler,
- D4J eZine 2.x dahilindeki sürümler,
- Pony Gallery Component 1.5 (PHP SQL Injection açığı)
- Expose Flash Gallery (açık kapatma yaması)
- ja_submit 2.1
- User Home Pages 1 and 2 <= 1.1.1 ve alt sürümleri
- VirtueMart <= 1.0.11 ve alt sürümleri
- zOOm Media Gallery <= 2.5.1 RC4
- Expose Flash Gallery RC4
- sh404SEF 1.2.4t-u-u2-t2 (24.09.2007)
- AutoStand <= 1.1 ve alt sürümleri.
- Expose RC35 upload açığı (06.12.2007)
- Carousel Flash Image Gallery (06.12.2007)
- com_slideshow (06.12.2007)
- rsgallery <= 2.0b5 (catid) (06.12.2007)
- JUser 1.0.14 (14.12.2007)
- Coppermine Photo Gallery <= 1.4.14 (22/01/2008)
- Glossary V2.0 (30/01/2008)
- Com musepoes (30/01/2008)
- Joomla Component Ynews 1.0.0 (06/02/2008)
- MyBulletinBoard (MyBB) <= 1.2.11 (06/02/2008)
- com_noticias (06/02/2008)
- com_doc (06/02/2008)
- AuraCMS 2.2 (gallery_data.php) (13/02/2008)
- Joomla Component pcchess <= 0.8 (13/02/2008)
- Joomla Component rapidrecipe <= 1.6.5 (13/02/2008)
- jooget <= 2.6.8 (16/02/2008)
- com_galeria (16/02/2008)
- com astatsPRO 1.0 (16/02/2008)
- com_pccookbook (19/02/2008)
- com_clasifier (19/02/2008)
- Acajoom (18.03.2008)
- Alberghi <= 2.1.3 (19.03.2008)
- Restaurante 1.0 (19.03.2008)
- joovideo 1.2.2 (19.03.2008)
- Datsogallery 1.3.1 (20.03.2008)
- Com_custompages 1.1 (22/03/2008)
- Com_Cinema 1.0 (23/03/2008)
- Com_alphacontent <=2.5.8 (25/03/2008)
- Com_MyAlbum 1.0 (28.03.2008)
- joomlaXplorer <= 1.6.2 (11.04.2008)
- com_Webhosting 1.1 RC6 (01.05.2008)
- com_datsogallery 1.6 (10.05.2008
- Jom Comment 2.x (28.05.208)
- Com_Artist (29.05.2008)
- com_biblestudy 1.5.0 (31.05.2008)
- com_prayercenter <= 1.4.9 (31.05.2008)
- com_mycontent 1.1.13 (01.06.2008)
- Component JooBB 0.5.9 (02.06.2008)
- com_acctexp <= 0.12.x (02.06.2008)
- com_joomradio 1.0 (03.06.2008)
- com_JooBlog 0.1.1 (03.06.2008)
- com_EasyBook 1.1 (04.06.2008)
- com_jotloader <= 1.2.1.a (04.06.2008)
- com_simpleshop <= 3.4 (05.06.2008)
- com_JoomlaDate (05.06.2008)
- com_GameQ <= 4.0 (07.06.2008)
- com_yvcomment <= 1.16 (08.06.2008)
- com_rapidrecipe (08.06.2008)
- iJoomla News Portal (09.06.2008)
- Simple Shop Galore Component 3.x (16.06.2008)
- com_facileforms 1.4.4 (23.06.2008)
- com_netinvoice 1.2.0 (25.06.2008)
- com_jabode (28.06.2008)
- com_Xe_webtv (28.06.2008)
- com_beamospetitio (28.06.2008)
- com_mygallery (01.07.2008)
- com_versioning 1.0.2 (01.07.2008)
- com_brightweblinks(02.07.2008)
- com_is 1.0.1 (02.07.2008)
- com_QuickTime VR 0.1 (02.07.2008)
- com_brightweblinks (02.07.2008)
- com_DBQuery <= (04.07.2008)
- com_altas 1.0 (04.07.2008)
- com_content 1.0.0  (08.07.2008)
- com_DTRegister (16.07.2008)
- Docman 1.3.x, 1.4.0 Beta2, 1.4.0 RC1
- Virtuemart <=1.0.12
- RW Cards <=2.4.4
- com_EZ Stor (03.08.2008)
- com_groups 1.0 (17.08.09)
- Joomla Rssxt <= 1.0 (18.08.2008)
- imagebrowser <= 0.1.5RC2 (28.09.2008)
- com_hotspots (07.10.2008)
- com_joomtracker 1.0.1 (09.10.2008)
- Ignite Gallery 0.8.3 (10.10.2008)
- com_mad4joomla (10.10.2008)
- com_ownbiblio 1.5.3 (11.10.2008)
- com_Nice Talk (tagid) (20.10.2008)
- com_ds-syndicate (feed_id) (20.10.2008)
- com_Daily Message 1.0.3 (22.10.2008)
- com_ionFiles 4.4.2 (22.10.2008)
- com_RWCards 3.0.11 (23.10.2008)
- com_Kbase 1.0 R(24.10.2008)
- com_Archaic Binary Gallery (24.10.2008)
- com_Flash Tree Gallery 1.0 - (01.11.2008)
Com_ongumatimesheet20 V4 beta (04.11.2008)
- Com_VirtueMart Google Base 1.1 (04.11.2008)
- com_ Dada Mail Manager 2.6 (05.11.2008)
- com_Feederator 1.0.5 (07.11.2008)
- com_Recly!Competitions 1.0.0 (07.11.2008)
- com_Clickheat 1.0.1 (07.11.2008)
- com_JooBlog 0.1.1 (10.11.2008)
- com_Contact Info 1.0 (11.11.2008)
- com_catalogproduction Joomla/Mambo ((11.11.2008)
- com_books (book_id) (11.11.2008)
- com_marketplace 1.3.1 (11.11.2008)
- com_Simple RSS Reader 1.0 (11.11.2008)
- com_com_jmovies 1.1 (03.12.2008)
- Component mydyngallery 1.4.2 (04.12.2008)
- Joomla Live Chat (12.12.2008)
- com_Component Tech Article 1.x (17.12.2008)
- com_hbssearch 1.0 (21.12.2008)
- com_tophotelmodule 1.0 (21.12.2008)
- com_Volunteer 2.0 (22.12.2008)
- com_allhotels (23.12.2008)
- com_lowcosthotels (23.12.2008)
- Com_5starhotels (24.12.2008)
- Com_mdigg 2.2.8 ((24.12.2008)
- Com_Live Ticker 1.0 (24.12.2008)
- Com_Ice Gallery 0.5b2 (24.12.2008)
- com_PAX Gallery 0.1 (28.12.2008)
- com_na_content 1.0 (29.12.2008)
- com_phocadocumentation (05.01.2009)
- com_na_newsdescription (05.01.2009)
- com_xevidmegahd (05.01.2009)
- com_jashowcase (05.01.2009)
- com_newsflash (05.01.2009)
- com_Portfol (vcatid) (12.01.2009)
- com_gigcal (gigcal_gigs_id) (13.01.2009)
- com_Camelcitydb2 2.2 (14.01.2009)
- com_Fantasytournament (14.01.2009)
- com_RD-Autos 1.5.2 (15.01.2009)
- com_Eventing 1.6.x (15.01.2009)
- com_Gigcal 1.x (18.01.2009)
- com_news (19.01.2009)
- com_pccookbook (19.01.2009)
- com_waticketsystem (19.01.2009)
- com_BazaarBuilder Shopping Cart v.5.0 (21.01.2009)
- com_beamospetition 1.0.12 (21.01.2009)
- com_pcchess (game_id) (21.01.2009) 
- com_flashmagazinedeluxe (26.01.2009)
- com_eXtplorer (02.03.2009)
- com_digistore (02.03.2009)
com_ijoomla_archive (05.03.2009)
VirtueMart <= 1.1.2 (31.03.2009)
- com_bookjoomlas 0.1 (06.04.2009)
- com_Cmimarketplace (08.04.2009)
- com_MailTo  (08.04.2009)
- com_Maian Music 1.2.1  (08.04.2009)
- com_rsmonials (22.04.2009)
- com_Almond_Classifieds 5.6.2 (06.05.2009)
- com_ArtForms 2.1 b7 (15.05.2009)
- com_gsticketsystem (19.05.2009)
- Joomla Boy Scout Advancement 0.3 (26.05.209)
- com_rsgallery2 1.14.x/2.x (26.05.209)
- Com_Agora 3.0.0 RC1 (26.05.209)
- com_AgoraGroup (27.05.2009)
- com_juser 2.0.4 (01.06.2009)
- com_Seminar 1.28 (01.06.2009)
- Joomlaequipment 2.0.4 (01.06.2009)
- com_mosres (03.06.2009)
- Omilen Photo Gallery 0.5b (03.06.2009)
- com_school 1.4 (08.06.2009)
- com_moofaq (08.06.2009)
- com_portafolio (08.06.2009)
- com_BookLibrary (09.06.2009)
- com_vehiclemanager 1.0 (09.06.2009)
- com_realestatemanager 1.0 (09.06.2009)
- com_media_library 1.5.3 (09.06.2009)
- com_Akobook 2.3 (09.06.2009)
- com_Projectfork 2.0.10 (15.05.2009)
- com_ijoomla_rss Blind (15.05.2009)
- com_jumi (15.05.2009)
- com_tickets <= 2.1 (22.06.2009)
- com_pinboard (24.06.2009)
- com_amocourse (24.06.2009)
- com_pinboard (25.06.2009)
- com_bookflip (29.06.2009)
- com_K2 <= 1.0.1b (29.06.2009)
- com_php (29.06.2009)
- com_propertylab (10.07.2009)
- com_category (11.07.2009)
- com_Jobline <= 1.3.1 (17.07.09)
- com_joomloads (23.07.09)
- UIajaxIM 1.1 (23.07.09)
- com_aclassf 7.5 (27.07.09)
- IXXO Alışveriş bileşeni (27.07.09)
- com_livechat 1.0 (30.07.09)
- com_jfusion (01.08.09) (Forum entegre bileşeni)
- com_pms 2.0.4 (07.08.09)
- com_kunena 1.5.3 (10.08.09)
- com_MisterEstate (18.08.09)
- com_jtips 1.0.x (24.08.09)
- com_ninjamonial 1.1 (24.08.09)
- com_siirler 1.2 (25.08.09)
- com_digifolio 1.5.2 (27.08.09)
- com_joomlabook (28.08.09)
- com_artportal 1.0 (01.09.09)
- com_Agora 3.0.0b (01.09.09)
- com_gameserver 1.0 (01.09.09)
- com_sportfusion 0.2.3 (09.03.2009)
- com_icrmbasic 1.0B (09.03.2009)
- com_joomlub (04.09.09)
- Joomla Component BF Survey Pro Free (09.09.09)
- com_TPDugg 1.1 (09.09.09)
- com_joomloc (09.09.09)
- Joomla Hotel Booking System (11.09.09
- com_Turtushout 0.11 (14.09.09)
- com_AlphaUserPoints (14.09.09)
- com_djcatalog (15.09.09)
- com_foobla_suggestions (16.09.09)
- com_jlord_rss (16.09.09)
- com_album 1.14 (17.09.09)
- com_jreservation 1.5 (17.09.09)
- com_mytube 1.0B (21.09.09)
- com_jbudgetsmagic 0.4.0 (21.09.09)
- com_jinc 0.2 (newsid) (21.09.09)
- com_mytube (user_id) (21.09.09)
- Joomla/Mambo Tupinambis 1.0 (22.09.09)
- com_facebook (22.09.09)
- com_GroupJive 1.8 B4 (22.09.09)
- com_surveymanager 1.14 (23.09.09)
- com_hbssearch (24.09.09)
- com_Fastball 1.1.0-1.2 (24.09.09)
- Joomla IRCm Basic (28.09.09)
- CB Resume Builder (05.10.09)
- Soundset 1.0 (05.10.09)
- com_Recerca (07.10.09)
- Ajax Chat 1.0 (19.10.09)
- com_Book Library 1.0 (19.10.09)
- JD-WordPress 2.0 RC2 (19.10.09)
- com_ezine v2.1 (20.10.09)
- com_Jshop (23.10.09)
- com_Photo Blog alpha 3 (23.10.09)
- com_JReservation (10.11.09)
- com_iF Portfolio Nexus (18.11.09)
- TinyMCE upload vulnerability (19.11.09)
- Com_Joomclip (cat) (21.11.09)
- com_mygallery (23.11.09)
- com_gcalendar 1.1.2 (25.11.09)
- com_lyftenbloggie (28.11.09)
- com_quicknews (30.11.09)
- com_MusicGallery (30.11.09)
- com_mojoBlog V0.15 (01.12.09)
- com_Joaktree 1.0 (01.12.09)
- com_job (08.12.09)
- com_jphoto (10.12.09)
- com_jsjobs (10.12.09)
- Mamboleto 2.0 RC (VirtueMart) (10.12.09)
- com_virtuemart 1.0 (13.12.09)
- com_jbook (18.12.09)
- com_acmisc (18.12.09)
- com_zcalendar (18.12.09)
- com_JEvents 1.5.2 (18.12.09)
- com_carman (Car Manager 2.x) 24.12.09)
- Joomla JEEMA Article Collection V1.0.01 (24.12.09)
- com_morfeoshow (27.12.09)
- com_beeheard (27.12.09)
- com_jm-recommend (27.12.09)
- com_webcamxp 1.0 (27.12.09)
- com_intuit (27.12.09)
- com_MemoryBook v1.2 (27.12.09)
- com_qpersonel 1.0 (27.12.09)
- com_oprykningspoint_mc (27.12.09)
- com_trabalhe_conosco (27.12.09)
- com_dhforum (27.12.09)
- com_calendario (29.12.09)
- com_newsflash (31.12.09)
- com_portfol (31.12.09)
- com_mdigg (31.12.09)
- com_Dailymeals 1.0 (02.01.10)
- com_alfresco (03.01.10)
- com_bfsurvey (03.01.10)
- com_cartweberp (03.01.10)
- com_aprice (03.01.10)
- com_j-projects (04.10.10)
- com_cartikads (04.01.10)
- com_perchagallery 1.3B (06.01.10)
- com_jembed (06.01.10)
- com_king (06.01.10)
- com_kk (06.01.10)
- com_Regional (07.01.10)
- com_ksadvertiser (08.01.10)
- com_jashowcase (10.01.10)
- com_jvideodirec (10.01.10)
- com_jcollection (10.01.10)
- com_dashboard (10.01.10)
- com_articlemanager (13.01.10)
- com_pc (17.01.10)
- com_prime (17.01.10)
- com_libros (17.01.10)
- com_book (21.01.10)
- com_avosbillets (22.01.10)
- com_gurujibook (22.01.10)
- com_biographies (22.01.10)
- com_jbpublishdownfp (23.01.10)
- Joomla JBDiary (23.01.10)
- com_ContentBlogList (23.01.10)
- com_mochigames (24.01.10)
- com_virtuemart 1.1.4 (27.01.10)
- com_jVideoDirect 1.1 (28.01.10)
- com_kunena 1.5.9 (28.01.10)
- com_ccnewsletter 1.0.5 (28.01.10)
- Joomla JReservation 1.0 (29.01.10)
- com_JE_Quiz 1.b01 (29.01.10)
- com_dms 2.5.1 (30.01.10)
- com_JE_Event 1.b0 (30.01.10)
- com_simplefaq 1.1 (30.01.10)
- com_yelp (01.02.10)
- com_job (01.02.10)
- com_photoblog alpha 3c (06.02.10)
- com_videos (14.02.10)
- Jw_allVideos 1.0 (14.02.10)
- com_hdvideoshare (15.02.10)
- com_joomportfolio (15.02.10)
- com_acteammember (17.02.10)
- com_acprojects (17.02.10)
- com_acstartseite (17.02.10)
- com_otzivi (18.02.10)
- com_communitypolls 1.5.2 (19.02.10)
- com_sqlreport 1.0 (23.02.10)
- com_ice (23.02.10)
- com_hdflvplayer (24.02.10)
- com_joomlaconnect_be (25.02.10)
- com_paxgallery (27.02.10)
- com_yanc (28.02.10)
- com_liveticker (28.02.10)
- com_blog (03.03.10)
- com_hezacontent 1.0 (09.03.10)
- com_party 1.b (11.03.10)
- com_color (11.03.10)
- com_gigfe (11.03.10)
- com_products (11.03.10)
- com_blog (11.03.10)
- com_about (11.03.10)
- com_juliaportfolio (11.03.10)
- com_start (12.03.10)
- com_family (12.03.10)
- com_leader (12.03.10)
- com_races (13.03.10)
- com_comp (13.03.10)
- com_sbsfile (13.03.10)
- com_nfnaddressbook (14.03.10)
- com_org (14.03.10)
- com_route (15.03.10)
- com_rokdownloads (15.03.10)
- com_sectionex (15.03.10)
- com_ganalytics (15.03.10)
- com_janews  (15.03.10)
- com_linkr (15.03.10)
- com_rpx 2.1.0  (15.03.10)
- com_bidding (15.03.10)
- com_gcalendar 2.1.5 (15.03.10)
- com_rwcards (16.03.10)
- com_vxdate (17.03.10)
- com_ckforms (17.03.10)
- com_include (17.03.10)
- com_giftexchange 1.0beta (20.03.10)
- JE Tooltip 1.0 (20.03.10)
- com_flash (22.03.10)
- com_jwmmxtd 1.2 (23.03.10)
- com_SMEStorage 1.0 (23.03.10)
- com_jwmmxtd 1.2 (23.03.10)
- com_gds (23.03.10)
- com_aml_2 (23.03.10)
- com_Property 2.0 (23.03.10)
- com_software (24.03.10)
- com_wallpapers (24.03.10)
- com_universal 1.0.0 (24.03.10)
- com_dcsFlashGames (26.03.10)
- com_solution (27.03.10)
- com_adds (28.03.10)
- com_tariff (28.03.10)
- com_agency (28.03.10)
- com_teacher (28.03.10)
- com_science (28.03.10)
- com_topmenu (28.03.10)
- com_personal (28.03.10)
- com_departments (29.03.10)
- com_business (29.03.10)
- com_radio (29.03.10)
- com_dwgraphs (31.03.10)
- com_actions (31.03.10)
- com_trading (01.04.10)
- com_tour (01.04.10)
- com_network (01.04.10)
- com_football (02.04.10)
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- com_shoutbox (05.04.10)
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- com_bca-rss-syndicato (05.04.10)
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- com_news 1.5 (06.04.10)
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- com_vjdeo (07.04.10)
- com_awiki (07.04.10)
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- com_realtyna 1.0.15 (08.04.10)
- com_webeecomment 2.0 (08.04.10)
- com_articles (08.04.10)
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- com_foobla (09.04.10)
- com_javoice (09.04.10)
- com_pcchess 0.9 (09.04.10)
- com_huruhelpdesk 0.88B (09.04.10)
- com_agenda 1.0.1 (09.04.10)
- com_Ca 1.0. (10.04.10)
- com_allvideos 3.1 (10.04.10)
- com_propertie (10.04.10)
- com_education_classes (11.04.10)
- com_travelbook 1.0.1  (11.04.10)
- com_alphauserpoints 1.5.5 (11.04.10)
- com_spsnewsletter unknown (11.04.10)
- com_rokmodule 1.1 (11.04.10)
- com_preventive 1.0.5 (11.04.10)
- com_jprojectmanager 1.0 (11.04.10)
- com_jfeedback 1.2 (11.04.10)
- com_jajobboard 1.4.4 (11.04.10)
- com_ticketbook 1.0.1 (11.04.10)
- com_tweetla 1.0.1 (11.04.10)
- com_mv_restaurantmenumanager 1.5.4 (11.04.10)
- com_sermonspeaker (12.04.10)
- com_sweetykeeper 1.5.x (12.04.10)
- com_record (12.04.10)
- com_worldrates (12.04.10)
- com_diary 1.5.0 (12.04.10)
- com_market 2.x (12.04.10)
- com_memory 1.2 (12.04.10)
- com_joommail 1.0 (12.04.10)
- com_onlineexam 1.5.0 (12.04.10)
- com_myfiles 1.0 (12.04.10)
- com_cvmaker 1.0 (12.04.10)
- com_advertising 0.25 (12.04.10)
- com_addressbook 1.5.0 (12.04.10)
- com_flashgames 1.5.0 (12.04.10)
- com_arcadegames 1.0 (12.04.10)
- com_horoscope (12.04.10)
- com_webtv (12.04.10)
- com_flexicontent (FLEXIcontent 1.5 stable) (12.04.10)
- com_jdrugstopics (12.04.10)
- com_jp_jobs 1.2.0 (13.04.10)
- com_jvehicles <=2.0 (13.04.10)
- com_arfmin (13.04.10)
- com_qpersonel 1.02RC (13.04.10)
- com_beeheard 1.0 (14.04.10)
- com_blogfactory 1.1.2 (14.04.10)
- com_delicious 0.0.1 (14.04.10)
- com_jacomment (14.04.10)
- com_lovefactory 1.3.4 (14.04.10)
- com_mediamall 1.0.4 (14.04.10)
- com_mtfireeagle 1.2 (14.04.10)
- com_photobattle 1.0.1 (14.04.10)
- com_s5clanroster (14.04.10)
- com_wgpicasa 1.0 (14.04.10)
- com_iproperty 1.5.3 (15.04.10)
- com_manager 1.5.3 (16.04.10)
- com_pandafminigames (16.04.10)
- com_joltcard (16.04.10)
- com_archeryscores 1.0.6 (18.04.10)
- com_zimbcomment 0.8.1 (18.04.10)
- com_zimbcore 0.1 (18.04.10)
- com_gadgetfactory 1.0.0 (18.04.10)
- com_matamko 1.0.1 (18.04.10)
- com_multiroot 1.0 (18.04.10)
- com_multimap 1.0 (18.04.10)
- com_drawroot 1.1 (18.04.10)
- com_google 1.2 (18.04.10)
- com_if_surfalert 1.2 (18.04.10)
- com_gbufacebook (19.04.10)
- com_jtm&view (19.04.10)
- com_jnewspaper (19.04.10)
- com_JTMReseller 1.9B (20.04.10)
- com_wmi (21.04.10)
- com_orgchart 1.0.0 (21.04.10)
- com_mmsblog 2.3.0 (21.04.10)
- com_portfolio (21.04.10)
- com_jnewspaper (21.04.10)
- com_ultimateportfolio 1.0 (27.04.10)
- com_noticeboard 1.3 (27.04.10)
- com_smartsite (27.04.10)
- com_abc version 1.1.7 (27.04.10)
- com_graphics 1.0.6 (27.04.10)
- com_jesectionfinder (Emlak) (28.04.10)
- Wap4Joomla (Wap eklentisi) (28.04.10)
- com_newsfeeds (30.04.10)
- com_djclassifieds (02.05.10)
- com_Card (02.05.10)
- com_Table (02.05.10)
- com_articleman (08.05.10)
- com_konsultasi (13.05.10)
- com_aardvertiser 2.0 (13.05.10)
- com_sebercart (13.05.10)
- com_dioneformwizard (13.05.10)
- com_jejob (14.05.10)
- com_jequoteform (14.05.10)
- com_camp (15.05.10)
- com_mscomment 0.8.0b (15.05.10)
- com_simpledownload 0.9.5 (15.05.10)
- com_crowdsource (17.05.10)
- com_event (17.05.10)
- com_packages (18.05.10)
- com_mediqna 1.1 (27.05.10)
- com_reservations (28.05.10)
- com_mycar 1.0 (28.05.10)
- com_BF-Quiz 1.3.0 (28.05.10)
- com_mykar 1.0 (28.05.10)
- com_jepoll (28.05.10)
- com_jejob 1.0 (28.05.10)
- com_quran (30.05.10)
- com_g2bridge 4.8 (31.05.10)
- com_sar_news (02.06.10)
- com_chronocontact (02.06.10)
- com_chronoconnectivity (02.06.10)
- com_jsjobs (02.06.10)
- com_lead (03.06.10)
- com_djartgallery 0.9.1 (03.06.10)
- com_searchlog 3.1.0 (06.06.10)
- com_annonces (06.06.10)
- com_cinema (09.06.10)
- com_Jreservation (09.06.10)
- com_jnewsletter (09.06.10)
- com_jsubscription (09.06.10)
- com_jmarket (09.06.10)
- com_jcommunity (09.06.10)
- com_Jreservation 1.0 (09.06.10)
- com_cinema (09.06.10)
- com_jstore (09.06.10)
- com_feedpost (17.06.10)
- com_joomlisting (17.06.10)
- com_SuperMessenger 1.4.4 (17.06.10)
- com_joomdocs (17.06.10)
- com_image (17.06.10)
- com_galleryxml 1.1 (18.06.10)
- com_answers 2.3 Beta (18.06.10)
- com_oziogallery2 2.4 (18.06.10)
- com_listbingo 1.3 (18.06.10)
- com_eportfolio (20.06.10)
- com_RSComments 1.0.0 (20.06.10)
- com_eportfolio (20.06.10)
- com_remository (20.06.10)
- com_jvb_bridge (20.06.10)
- com_family (20.06.10)
- com_jobline (20.06.10)
- com_cmsrealty (20.06.10)
- com_community (21.06.10)
- com_jomestate (21.06.10)
- com_picasa2gallery 1.2.8 (21.06.10)
- JomSocial 1.6.288 (21.06.10)
- com_ybggal 1.0 (21.06.10)
- com_ybggal 1.0 (22.06.10)
- com_jeeventcalendar 1.0.5 (22.06.10)
- com_JEvents 1.5.4 (23.06.10)
- com_realtyna (23.06.10)
- com_jcafe 1.5 (24.06.10)
- com_hbsuserregistration (24.06.10)
- com_jesubmit 1.4 (26.06.10)
- com_jejob 1.4 (26.06.10)
- com_sef (26.06.10)
- com_virtuemart (26.06.10)
- com_je-media-player (26.06.10)
- com_awd_song (26.06.10)
- com_jeeventcalendar (26.06.10)
- com_jesectionfinder (26.06.10) 
- com_google_maps (26.06.10)
- com_frontpage (26.06.10)
- com_properties (28.06.10)
- com_lurm_constructor (28.06.10)
- com_dbquery (29.06.10)
- com_myblog (29.06.10)
- com_mambowiki (29.06.10)
- com_login (29.06.10)
- com_log (29.06.10)
- com_mambots (29.06.10)
- com_gamesbox 1.0.2 (30.06.10)
- joomanager (30.06.10)
- com_wmtpic (30.06.10)
- com_newsfeeds (30.06.10)
- joomproperty (30.06.10)
- com_myblogcontroller (30.06.10)
- com_dateconverter (01.07.10)
- com_seyret (01.07.10)
- com_eventcal 1.6.4 (02.07.10)
- com_socialads (03.07.10)
- com_phocagallery 2.7.3 (03.07.10)
- com_addressbook (04.07.10)
- com_jce (04.07.10)
- com_ninjamonials (04.07.10)
- Front-end article manager system (04.07.10)
- com_jpodium 2.7.3 (05.07.10)
- com_reportcard (05.07.10)
- com_projectlog (05.07.10)
- com_jobline (06.07.10)
- com_autartimonial (06.07.10)
- com_neorecruit (06.07.10)
- com_mtree <= 1.0 (06.07.10)
- com_artgallery (06.07.10)
- com_artgallery 2.1b7.2 RC2 (06.07.10)
- com_booklibrary 1.0 (08.07.10)
- JS Profile Persistent (08.07.10)
- PaymentsPlus Mtree 2.1.5 (08.07.10)
- com_rentalot 2.05 (08.07.10)
- com_inter (08.07.10)
- Music Manager (08.07.10)
- IXXO Cart (08.07.10)
- com_canteen (09.07.10)
- Minify4Joomla Upload and Persistent (09.07.10)
- com_quickfaq 1.0.3 (09.07.10)
- com_mysms 1.5.10 (09.07.10)
- com_soundset (10.07.10)
- com_redshop (10.07.10)
- Joomla Rapid Recipe Persistent (12.07.10)
- Joomla Health & Fitness Stats Persistent (12.07.10)
- Joomla EasyBlog (12.07.10)
- com_zoom (13.07.10)
- com_qcontacts 1.0.4 (13.07.10)
- com_ambra (13.07.10)
- com_police (13.07.10)
- com_shop.browse (13.07.10)
- com_easygallery (14.07.10)
- com_jobs (14.07.10)
- com_fireboard (14.07.10)
- com_RedShop (14.07.10)
- com_foobla_suggestions (14.07.10)
- com_linksutra (17.07.10)

Yazım Editorleri
- JCE Admin Component JCE Editor bileşeni) 1.x dahilindeki sürümler,
- JCE (Joomla! Content Editor) jce.php 1.0.4
- TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor 3.3b2 (07.02.10)

- Core Design Scriptegrator (18.02.10)

- AkoComment 2.x (module for Mambo)
- mod_letterman <= 1.2.4
- AutoStand 1.0 Modulu (06.12.2007)
- AutoStand Category <= 1.1 (14/04/2007)
- Mod_Mainmenu (11/01/2008)
- VirtueMart Module (27.01.10)
- mod_JVClouds3D (12.01.10)
- Camp26 Visitor Data 1.1 (11.05.10)

Joomla Sürümleri
- Joomla <=1.0.10 (18.09.2006)
- Joomla_1.6.0-Alpha2 (03.05.10)
- Joomla <=1.5.17 (28.05.10)

Hosting Eklentileri (Sunuculardaki güvenlik açıkları sitenizin güvenliğini sağlayamaz)
- PHP Sürümü: 5.2.8 (27.02.2009)
- EasyPHP 3.0 (11.05.2009)
- PHP <= 5.2.9 Local Safemod (26.05.209)
- ModSecurity <= 2.5.9 (11.06.2009)
- PHP 5.2.11/5.3.0 Birden çok güvenlik açığı (13.11.09)
- PHP 5.3.0 (12.04.10)
- PHP 6.0 Dev str_transliterate (13.04.10)
- PHP 5.3.x DoS (16.04.10)
- phpMyAdmin 2.6.3 (18.05.10)


- Cutenews <= 1.4.5 Haber Scripti (24.12.2007) admin password md5 hash açığı
- MODx CMS (05.01.2008)
- PHP-Nuke <= 8.0 Final (sid) (22.01.2008)
- Yuhhu 2008 SuperStar (10.06.2008)
- Jamroom V:3.3.5 (20.06.2008)
- Site@School <= 2.4.10 (fckeditor) (04.07.2008) (eklentiyi kullanan okul sitelerinin dikkatine)
- Invision Power Board (IPB) <= 2.3.5 (29.08.2008)
- Reale Estate Manager (27.09.2008)
- Joovili <= 3.0 (27.09.2008)
- Simple Machines Forum (SMF) 1.1.6 (05.11.2008)
- PHP-Nuke <= 8.0 Downloads Module XSS (21.09.09)

- Drupal <= 6.15 (17.01.10)
- v2marketplacescript (21.04.10)
- IPB 3.0.1 (13.05.10)
- PHPBB V 3.0.7 (09.06.10)
- WordPress <= 2.9.2 (18.06.10)

- Safari 4.0.3 (16.11.09)
- Internet Explorer-6 (20.11.09)
- Internet Explorer-7 (20.11.09)
- Firefox 3.0.15 (18.12.09)
- Firefox 3.5.5 (18.12.09)
- Opera 10.10 (31.12.09)
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6 (14.02.10)
- Internet Explorer 8 (14.02.10)
- Chrome v4.0.249 (06.03.10)
- Firefox 3.6.3 (03.05.10)
- Safari 4.0.5 (15.05.10)

K A Y N A K L A R          :